Three weeks ago Kathy & I participated in the Coronavirus Testing Blitz conducted by the State of Arizona. Our results came back in a couple of days as negative for Coronavirus. However, the test doesn't provide an indication if we have developed antibodies or if we were exposed in the past. This wasn't reassuring as we have heard that about 50% of tests provide false indications. The only thing the test shows you with 50% reliability is if you are currently infected with Coronavirus.


It's a disgrace that trump blames China, the WHO, the states, Democrats, etc. for our pandemic. But all you have to do is look at South Korea and their results. Both the US and South Korea had about 90 deaths toward the end of February. Currently the US has 105,000+ deaths while South Korea has less than 300. Sure, South Korea only has a population of about 51 million and is about the same size as Kentucky, while the US has a population of 328 million. Some say it's the Asian culture, but that doesn't explain similar positive results in places like Australia, New Zealand and Norway. What these countries employed were testing with proven technology, immediate contact tracing of those identified, isolation for those who might have come in contact with an infected person, social distancing and masks for the general population in hot spot areas, and quarantine or hospitalization for those testing positive.


Yes, I absolutely want things to get back to normal! Going to movies, dinner with friends, etc., etc., etc. But until there is a proven vaccine I think I'll just hunker down a bit for a while (not total isolation, just more careful).


Did I mention I just had my annual physical with my PCP (Primary Care Physician)? It was via telephone. I took my own blood pressure, pulse rate, oxygen level and weight. You can get measuring devices for these at your local pharmacy. I didn't mind missing the prostate exam but the doctor can determine if an additional visit is required by looking at the lab results I took a week earlier and from the conversation. I also had my bi-annual visit with my cardiologist via teleconference. And I had my visit with my oncologist. He said he would see me again in December unless I had something new to report.


Anyway, HERE is the link.